Given a string s and a dictionary of strings wordDict, return true if s can be segmented into a space-separated sequence of one or more dictionary words.
Note that the same word in the dictionary may be reused multiple times in the segmentation.
Example 1:
Input: s = "leetcode", wordDict = ["leet","code"]
Output: true
Explanation: Return true because "leetcode" can be segmented as "leet code".
Example 2:
Input: s = "applepenapple", wordDict = ["apple","pen"]
Output: true
Explanation: Return true because "applepenapple" can be segmented as "apple pen apple".
Note that you are allowed to reuse a dictionary word.
Example 3:
Input: s = "catsandog", wordDict = ["cats","dog","sand","and","cat"]
Output: false
- 1 <= s.length <= 300
- 1 <= wordDict.length <= 1000
- 1 <= wordDict[i].length <= 20
- s and wordDict[i] consist of only lowercase English letters.
- All the strings of wordDict are unique.
const wordBreak = (s, wordDict) => {
if(!wordDict || wordDict.length === 0) return false;
const set = new Set(wordDict);
const dp = new Array(s.length + 1).fill(false);
dp[0] = true;
for(let end = 1; end <= s.length; end++) {
for(let start = 0; start < end; start++) {
// wordDict의 원소들을 순서대로 s와 비교해야함
// end를 기준으로 계속 start를 늘리면서 wordDict에 글자가 있는지 비교
// end는 새로운 start
const w = s.slice(start, end);
if(dp[start] && set.has(w)) {
dp[end] = true
return dp[s.length];
const wordBreak = (s, wordDict) => {
if(wordDict === null || wordDict.length === 0) return false;
const set = new Set(wordDict);
const visited = new Set();
const q = [0];
while(q.length) {
const start = q.shift();
if(!visited.has(start)) {
for(let end = start + 1; end <= s.length; end++) {
if(set.has(s.slice(start, end))) {
if(end === s.length) return true;
return false
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